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139,00 € TTC

Totalement conquise par le projet d'Habitation Velier, la distillerie Jamaicaine autorise désormais la gamme à utiliser leur nom officiel: Worthy Park, succédant ainsi aux Forsyths 2005 et 2006. 

Ce millésime 2007 provient de la célèbre distillerie jamaïcaine Worthy Park réouverte en 2005 après 50 ans de fermeture. C’est aussi  la plus ancienne de la Jamaïque.
Ce rhum est un WPL dans la classification de la distillerie c’est à dire un rhum léger. Embouteillé en 2017 il a 10 ans d’âge.

  1 Article (plus de quantités ? nous contacter)

How do you choose which beverage to buy? Sometimes it happens fast: you come to a spirits store and you know your mind. Sometimes it turns into a time-consuming business when you are standing in front of shelves with the huge assortment of spirits, apéritifs, and you are in a quandary about what to choose. Here you can be confident, there`s no room for worries. You know your favorite drinks, and they are cheaper online. You know what new beverages you want to try - and in the online shop, you get a guarantee of the highest quality. What is more, you can look up for comments from other users which may help you decide. And if you are a true alcohol expert - on the website you`ll find a detailed description of the flavors that will also help you make the best decision possible.

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Teneur en Alcool
entre 55 % et 59,9%
70 cL


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